ANTH 284 - African-American Ethnography & Film

James Marion sims

Ironically known as the 'Father of gynecology, Dr. James Marion Sims was appointed to take medical care of the salves working for southern plantation owners. unlike any other doctors, Sims used the slaves to testify his surgical skills by preforming experimental surgeries on black woman. Sims used his inhumane activities on enslaved woman as means to reach his goal of revolutionizing the field of gynecology.

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Recently, a protest was held in front of Sims statue in Central Park, New York (located at the corner of Fifth Ave and East 103rd St). The protesters have demanded the removal of Sims momentum – a man, they believe, who exploited the institution of racism for his own gain.


            In a Facebook post shared by The Black Youth project, one of many social justice activist groups that participated in the protests, they exposed that Sims had ” “purchased Black women slaves and used them as guinea pigs for his untested surgical experiments. He repeatedly performed genital surgery on Black women WITHOUT ANESTHESIA because according to him, ‘Black women don’t feel pain.’ Despite his inhumane tests on Black women, Sims was named ‘the father of modern gynecology’, and his statue currently stands right outside of the New York Academy of Medicine. #FightSupremacy.”


            On April 17, 2018, Sims’ statue was removed. It will be replaced with statues of the three enslaved woman he used as trial, namely; Betsey, Lucy, and Anarcha.